Saturday, June 23, 2007

Shamed...Not Really

Shouldn't I feel ashamed? Should I feel like I use and control and that I am a horrible person?

Why is it that I do not feel ashamed? Has my conscious gone away? Hidden? Or have I just ridden over it so many times I can no longer hear it.

Or is it that I no longer want to conform to societies view of what is right and wrong, I no longer really give a shit about what others think of me.

I can bring a man to his knees with my body and my mouth, I am desirable, I know what a man wants and give it....

But I want more than just sexual gratification...I want love and a relationship. I want passion, romance and LOVE.


The inside of me said...

How you feel all depends on your moral base. It also has to do with your religous upbringing. Perhaps you are still rebelling from your childhood. I wish I had the answer for you but unfortunatly, I don't. When you say ashamed, what do you mean? Do you mean that deep down inside you don't feel bad? You must feel that something is wrong. I know I have done things that I know are wrong. I know they are wrong because I don't want anyone to know about them. I know at the time they felt good and I would do them again if given the chance.

I too know how to take a woman where she wants and needs to go. I can make a woman beg, cry, shout and do things she normally wouldn't do. I sometimes think I am a bad person but I enjoy what I do and so do you or you wouldn't do it. Please keep writing.

Enemy of the Republic said...

No need for shame. You are realizing what living in one's body is like. A lot of the shame comes from intense religiousity, which is often repressed sexuality anyway. Look at those damn teleevangelists. Lord!

Anonymous said...

(But I want more than just sexual gratification...I want love and a relationship. I want passion, romance and LOVE.)

you took the words right out of my mouth.