Thursday, July 5, 2007


Last night I was able to sneak away from home and go visit my "friend".

Went there for a 4th party. There were a small group of us, there was plenty of alcohol, and plenty of skin showing all around.

I was there to see him, but I am SOOOO attracted to his best friend. His friend and I actually hit it off really well and we have a million things in common.

Whereas I have ZERO in common with the other guy...he is just someone that I can fuck.

And he happens to also suck at that, he is very inexperienced and I get him too excited to last long...

I was bad last night and did something he had never experienced before....he loved it and was overwelmed by it at the same time. Why do I get such a rush over having that control over a man. I love to see that in a man's eyes....

I want out of my current situation, so I can move on and find someone I really want to be with.

1 comment:

The inside of me said...

Way to leave me in suspense. What did you do? I guess he loved it.